The Wellbeing Sanctuary
From Survival to Thriving
Stop The Cycle of Pain with DecodeYou®: Your Path to Self Mastery.
Do You Ever Feel overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions? Anxiety, Stress, Anger, Negative thoughts...
Do you ever feel like you have automatic reactions & out of control behaviors, that ruins your relationships at work or in private life?
Do you ever have experienced trauma or emotional pain that continues to hold you back in life?
Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your life, struggling to reach the next level, in work or in private life?
Do you ever have chronic disease, inherited diseases, or any health disorders that cannot be explained?
Good news, You Can Stop the Cycle of Karma
Elevate Your Wellbeing: Exclusive Mind Training for Dubai's High Achievers
Basic & Intermediate Course
Dream Analysis & Interpretation
Learn the Formula of a stress free life...
DecodeYou®: A Path to Self Mastery
International Accredition
Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)
Complementary Medical Association (CMA)
International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)
Next Cycle 1:
25 & 26 JANUARY 2025
This is more than an educational experience, it is your urgent call to end the cycle of pain Now.
"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment."
Lao Tzu
Sign Up NOW
10% OFF
All 5 Cycles PAY 8100 AED instead of 9000 AED
Topics & Dates
Cycle 1- Principles of DecodeYou®, rewiring coping strategies and defense mechanisms.
Date: 25 & 26 January 2025
Cycle 2- Decoding Duality and finding balance,Breaking the Karmic Cycle
Date: TBA
Cycle 3 - Decoding Parental and ancestral programs, shadow-work and finding peace,
Cycle 4- Decoding Inner Child (rejecting love, rejecting feelings, shame, guilt and regret)
Cycle 5- Decoding pain, trauma, diseases and re-calibrating self.
Total Course Fee: 9000 AED
(includes all 5 cycles + 3 mentoring sessions)
This program will help you to;
detect the hidden causes of any disorder, whether it be physical or mental
heal all the layers of the subconscious to free you from patterns.
teach you all the techniques from 7 different holistic disciplines
reverse the symptoms and a restore balance to your body and mind with time
stop ancestral trauma from being passed on to the next generation.
Learn techniques of advanced mindfulness and manifestation.
you will become the master, no longer the slave of your mind
Through 5 cycles students will learn techniques to heal all layers of trauma
Claim Your Seat Now before it's Too Late
Sarmistha MITRA
CEO & Founder
The Wellbeing Sanctuary
Holistic Health Expert, Founder of DecodeYou®:A Path to Self-Mastery
National President of Child Chapter Association, Dubai
Founder of PAST Release Program